Poetic pen

Tell a Tale

Thursday, January 29, 2015

A Letter To Myself

Hey Amita,

Do you call yourself an artist?

You do not! I know you have thousand inhibitions about the term. You have several answers to this-.

I am not a dancer. I am not a painter. I am not an actor. I am not a writer (at-least not published yet!).

 Your list of "I am not" is quite big. But, dear Amita, it's time you realize what all you are and what all you are capable of. If only creative stuff count as an artist for you, remember your drawings which got placed on notice boards in school, your sculptures which sir liked most in the class and your drawings/portraits which you had hidden from your father (for he would be angry to waste so much time). That's not enough? Revisit your poems you have written. Have a look at the small bookshelf you have made for yourself.

It does not matter how the art is. Remember there is no bad art; there are only good and better arts. Do keep in mind that

Every artist was first an amateur. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

I am sure your head is rising in confidence up now. I know that smile  you adore on your lips.

In addition to above,

Do not forget that-

You are a daughter,

And you are a niece, a granddaughter,

And you are a wife,

And you are a daughter in law,

And you are a sister in law,

And you are a mother,

And you are a software Professional,

And you are a blogger,

And you are a reader.

Thus my darling,

You are an artist too!

Be Proud Of Yourself
To be an artist is to believe in life. ~Henry Moore
Recite above lines daily in the mirror and mark to not add any 'OR' in your life; just keeping adding 'AND'. Believe in yourself.

 ~With Love

Your Inner Voice

This post is a part of #UseYourAnd activity at BlogAdda in association with Gillette Venus“.
Also linking to #MondayMusings @ Write Tribe