Poetic pen

Tell a Tale

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Letters from a Father to his Daughter by Jawaharlal Nehru

Book Title:- Letters from a Father to his Daughter
Author:- Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru

Many wonder what difference does upbringing make on children... On the learning path of "Letters of a Father to His Daughter" I can now make it out an answer to it... Wonder if I would ever be able to tell such complex things to my kid in such simple manner.... This was my Facebook status message while I was in the middle of this wonderful little book. I was thoroughly impressed with Mr. Nehru knowledge about the world history, this too expressed in letters to his ten year old daughter 

The book is a collection of 30 letters written by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru , the first prime minister of India to his 10 year daughter Indira Priyadharshini later Indira Gandhi, who also became the prime minister of the country during a summer in 1928. 

The book is a true delight to read as a child with lot of excitement. Thank god I bought the original copy for this; I am going to keep it very safe for my kid. I would make sure he reads it when he is around 8 to 9 years old.

Coming to my favorite part of book, there were many. The letter “What is Civilization?” was so heart touching. The others include letter in which Mr. Nehru explained why man started sacrificing animals and imagined that he could stop the rain and hail like this. I also loved the fact that he let his daughter know that we worship god for a reason and not just its god.

Have you ever received or wrote letters? How did you like the book? Would you go ahead and read it after my thoughts on it? Write your heart/mind in comments section. I would be glad to read out your end of thinking on the book.

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